This is the cover page to lawsuit filed Nov. 30, 2012 by a disabled Veteran who was the victim of Veterans Affairs Surgical medical malpractice in 2004, who then found all forms of justice oppressed from him and became the target in state after state for abuse upon him by corrupt use of authority and law enforcement, even when he proved in court his long owned family land had been illegally occupied for a US highway, power company utilities and more.
This same veteran proved he had been unlawfully target and that direct violence was made upon him by corrupt law enforcement who abused the patriot act and declared the veteran a public threat when he exposed and gave witness to the abuse known by state attorney, and then US attorneys, this veteran pleaded with FBI to stop the crimes and abuse back into 2006, he was refused at every step and even went to Washington D.C, himself to make report, seek justice on Jul 03, 2007 and was refused entry at FBI Washington, but successfully made the report of crime to Department of Justice, Criminal Division.
Since then this veteran has steadily been refused justice and those wanting to abuse him have been protected by corrupt use of authority, while he has been denied legal resolution in court after court, trying to push him to extremes while his character is assassinated, all in the name of protecting their criminal acts and denying any responsibility or liability for their wrongful and criminal acts.
Even now what do you hear of any of this?
Censorship is active and being performed to isolate wronged persons while they are targeted and terrorized right here in America, by Americans.
Can you help spread the word?
This Veteran needs help and has been doing all this on his own, he now faces felony charges for defending himself from a third attack by the same pit bull in his property and car.
This malicious prosecution in supposed "Stand your ground" florida is to pursue felony charge against him so all his military disability pays can be stopped and he will have no ability to find justice.
He has already been denied all VA medical care with no reason given since 2008 and when he recorded a director denying him this care for no reason, the veteran was searched, arrested and ordered to destroy the recording, he told the court who did nothing and still does nothing.
Don't let our laws and rights be made worthless and weak without a squeek, I need help.- Jim Nelson
Download the case as file, as a PDF here (about 5.5MB):
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This case can be also be found at using the informaiton from the cover page. 11th Circuit, Middle District of Florida, Case number 3:12-CV-01308 and select: "Nelson v. United States of America et al" (see below) (Note - you need a PACER account, which you can apply for for free, however you have to wait for the username/password to come in the mail.)
You are asked to consider this very carefully, for in an equal right nation of law, if such acts are allowed upon one of us for an unfair reason, then it is very likely being simultaneously enacted upon others who are victimized and cannot identify their enemy or gain enough ability to speak out.
ReplyDeleteI do acknowledge that the law states the President is immune to civil lawsuits in fulfilling his Presidential duties, however, if the court dismisses this case upon that law, then the court will have set precedent act to identify sedition and terrorism to be Presidential duties, thus the funding and protecting of those who perform such acts would be presidential duty...a problem the courts cannot avoid answering when we have so many laws including the patriot act to identify, seize, detain and subject any person who aids, abets, funds or engages in terrorism...nobody wrote the President a get out of jail card from the force of law he has enforced all over the World.
I, myself, speak that the law be just, obeyed and we find justice in equal right, I point this matter to the President in Captain of Ship Doctrine of law and not of any personal act seeking impeachment; the President promised open information that our public policy be preserved, let him set then example, and let Americans decide for themselves as a union of informed majority; justice.
Let this man lead by example.
Speak out now before our rights and law become worthless and weak, without a squeek.- Jim Nelson
Americans have the right to know how a citizen, even a veteran, can be suddenly and consistently made the victim of crime that is not punished or apprehended for more than 8 years. THat during all that time direct and intentional acts to censor, deny, oppress, humiliate and subjugate the same victim will be made in front of and using the public, who is denied the full knowledge of the criminal acts they might be participating in.
ReplyDeleteAmericans have the right to know that there can be total fraud of their basic rights and denial of all provisions of law and that those who sought the jobs and take the pay to provide and protect those rights and law, FAIL WITHOUT PENALTY to which AMERICAN CANNOT SEIZE AND MANAGE MORE RIGHTS from people WHEN IT CANNOT DO THE JOB IT ALREADY HAS and is defrauding that without penalty.
So BEFORE MORE GUN CONTROL, before MANDATORY LEGISLATED HEALTH CARE, before MANAGING MARRIAGES, and SEIZING AND MANAGING MORE RIGHTS OF FREEDOM AND LIBERTY, fix what is on America's plate already. Here you have CONTRACTS HUNDREDS OF YEARS OLD AND YOU STILL CANNOT FULFILL THEM. Do NOT ASK TO TAKE MORE RIGHTS AND MAKE MORE JOBS TO MANAGE THEM WHEN YOU WILL NOT MANAGE AND POLICE THE JOBS WITHOUT FRUAD THAT YOU ALREADY HAVE and this case shows the complete lack of responsibility and care even in most trusted positions whose individual acts or failures makes instant law in case law, without the consent of the People...these failure must be corrected and the willingness to fail stopped and punished. Jim Nelson- Plaintiff Pro Se
For those of you who may have viewed this page before, you really should go check out the current state of court affairs and download copies fo the public record, everything this page states and more is proven and more than 400 pages of eivdence have now been filed in the case , which means the courts have full responsibility to stop the wrongful acts, provide every victim their victim rights and compensation.
ReplyDeleteHave you been a victim of privacy abuse or corrupt court that no one knew about because they were never brought to trial, meaning every court case they worked on compromised after that... what would they do then to avoid their own trial, throw the book at you, ignore your rights? The records will show us where to dig... if the clerks say they cannot scan or copy the pages you request, perhaps you should remind them there is no seal and if a disabled veteran could make the filing on his home printer that they claim to be unable to copy, then are they must be defrauding us billions to buy their equipment, training and supposed certified/sworn honest services, so maybe we should just hire disabled veterans with home printers to replace them...
Also check news stories at look up author "This One" and stories about "President Obama Sued" President Obama Black SLaver" "Veteran Sues President Obama"
ReplyDeletethe link above goes to a CNN story upload - help us get teh word out so that it helps you and your loved ones be safe from rights violations, wrongful arrest and wrongful prosecutions because they expected equal rights and equal protection and equal benefit of law, and protect every hospital patient you know from being murdered if they received malpractice care or botched surgery, read the United States Inspector General Report in item #87 of case 3:09-cv-01032-HLA-MCR {lengthy attachments, has CD and pictures showing US Attorny misleading court- court failed to stop it or address it} or in item #19 of case 3:12-cv-01308-TJC-JRK {more than 380 pages of evidence/report of crime} don't wait for the court to identify and notify you if you are a victim due compensation, get your attorney on the phone now to pull these public record documents and protect your rights now
If you have questions for use leave them here or email at no attachments please- also you can find the appeal of this matter addressing the refusal of the court to honor and obey the law, in fact the court violated the law to order the law shall not be obeyed,meaning everyone else who every lost a case because of failure to appear or failure to timely respond or failure to defend a case can demand retrial, because the court said it was OK for the defendants of this case to violate the law and rule of court with immunity, then the court of appeals refused to pursue justice or correct the lower court in case # 13-11926 (Fed Atlanta Court of Appeals) Nelson v U.S. and instead set the order that it must be well and good to violate the law for months if not permanently , as the lower courts order allows- now they have also refused to address why the veteran is and has been threatened, injured and is now being maliciously prosecuted in a bogus felony charge for stopping a pit bull from attakcing him a third time, even trying to take away his right to use a road and county road to get to his home, anything to terrorize the veteran who only seeks justice, wont' you help get the word out today and stop this tyranny? Contact your COngresspersons, your representatives, your churches, clubs and veterans associations, contact President Obama and ask himwhy he refuses to allow equal rights and even lets his attorney arugue against equal right and equal force of law, which might allow the President to be impeached for seeking act of court to violate the Constitution... it's all there in the public records of this case, stand up with us today, don't let your own self down, act with us to show in the record, that when it mattered, your integrity was unquestionably present and accounted for!!!
ReplyDeleteIf you think this Veteran should not be maliciously felony prosecuted for stopping the same pit bull from attakcing him a third time, in supposed, stand your ground, self defense florida and in putnam county where they had a standing order killing ALL pit bulls in the shelter for over ten years, this veteran only stopped the attack and recorded the entire event, and the repeat felon complainants have been proven in LEO report after report to be making false reports, self impeaching their own statements which changed so much no one could believe them, but, here it is still being pursued ---CONTACT GOvernor Scott of FLorida TOday and demand this travesty and tyranny stop at once, when this Veteran, James Nelson Proved the county services were letting dangerous pit bull attack people again and again, the court refused to notice it, then poor Mr. McSweeney got attacked by the same pit bulls, that tore off his arms and killed him... after Mr. Nelson had shown the court and PD the problem, instead of pursue justice, they set out to attack Mr. Nelsons credibility, trying to declare him incompetent to ruin his witness, he proved his compentency, now this has cost him more than ten thousand dollars and they still wont drop it, contact Governor Rick Scott of florida today and demand he stop this travesty of justice and abuse of authority immediately.
ReplyDeleteGet the word out. THis veteran only had a charge of loitering BEFORE his 14+ years of military service, he does not deserve to have his home lost and lose his everything because he dared seek equal right and fair justice, don't let yourself do nothing and then wonder for the rest of your life if you should have or if someone would have if it were you or your military family member- Putnam County, FLorida, where slavery is allowed to go unpunished in the potato field, but veterans are destroyed for daring to seek fair justice in peace and due process.